24:Klen in association with BMI Trust organised a Clothes Donation Drive for the residents of Donje Village. Apart from building the brand, our main objective is to organise and promote various social outreach programs and give back to the society. We decided to rope in their customers for this very mission. We requested our customers to donate their clothes on the 24th of every month wherein a delivery boy would come collect the same. After collection, the clothes were segregated and the usable ones were then put through 24:Klen’s rigorous cleaning and finishing process to make the clothes “Newer than New”! Now donation ready, an approximate of 500 clothing items were respectfully distributed to children and their families by Mr Abhishek Tankariya from 24:Klen and Ms Ankita from BMI trust on 30th March, 2018. Food and refreshments were distributed too. All this was planned and ready to execute with the help and guidance of the BMI trust, an NGO working relentlessly to find solutions to the issues affecting the urban and rural underprivileged, with a special focus on children and education. This activity signals the completion of the first social outreach program by 24:Klen, which was ably guided and supported by BMI Trust.
Association with BMIT
We are pleased to announce our collaboration with The Ballerina Management Institute Trust (BMIT) based in Pune to discover novel ways of reaching out to the underprivileged in our society. In this collaboration, 24:Klēn will take the initiative of collecting donated apparel from existing customers as well as from others and will launder the clothes before sending it to BMI. The freshly laundered clothes will then be provided to the needful.
About BMI:
The Ballerina Management Institute Trust (BMIT) Pune, was started in 1997 by Mrs. Ratna Joshi to find solutions to the issues affecting the urban and rural poor, with a special focus on children and education. BMI works in and around Pune, India, especially in rural and tribal areas and their activities extend to 38 villages.
BMI is a registered NGO since the past decade and is working towards the betterment of society through the following projects:
- Swapnapurti – Education and provision of related material.
- Doordrishti – Women Empowerment (BETI BACHAO BETI PADAO).
- Swapnashrishti – Environment awareness, safe and clean water.
- Health and hygiene, free medical checkups and follow ups.
- Awareness for the blind and visually impaired.
- Distribution of Braille books.